If you have lived in Jackson County for longer than a year, you are familiar with the Reagan Jam session scheduled year in and year out on December 27, two days following Christmas Day. Royce Reagan’s name is synonymous with music and Jackson County. Even though he is in official retirement mode, has been taxed with rebuilding his home of many, many years that was destroyed by fire following Hurricane Michael, he has not missed a beat keeping music alive in Jackson County.
This past Friday night, over 30 musicians hit the stage at Madison Park to entertain a packed crowd. Bands known to frequent the annual event were present as ever along with a few newcomers who were met with the warmest of welcomes.
As it the custom, one musician is awarded the ‘Speedy Morris Award’ each year. This year presenting the award was Don Morris who was all smiles when he called Joe Baxley to the stage to present him the award. Those who know Baxley, know his love of music is so great that it’s rumored if he’s not offered pay for playing, he’ll pay to play or pay for free. Whatever the pay circumstances are, the audience is definitely the one who benefits from his music.
Until next year, Reagan says keep music in your life and pick, grin or sing every chance you get.