Jennifer Davis: Violation of state probation: Hold without bond.
Shane Love: Violation of state probation: Hold without bond., Possession of methamphetamine- $7,500 bond, random urinalysis.
Jessica Farren: Failure to appear- driving under the influence, refusing to submit to a breathalyzer: 51 days in jail, not be released before February 18.
Penny McDonald: Possession of methamphetamine, possession of methadone, possession of drug paraphernalia: Plead no contest, six months in jail with two days’ time served, court cost
Cameron Paul: Aggravated assault: $5,000 bond, no contact with victim.
Shaun Haynes: Warrant from Walton County- Hold without bond, Driving while license suspended or revoked habitual- $5,000 bond, do no operate motor vehicle.
Kelvin Smith: Possession of controlled substance without a prescription: $7,500 bond, random urinalysis.
David Franklin: Petit theft- first offense: $3,500, no contact with victim, no alcohol.