Sheila Jones: Grand theft- $500 bond, uttering a forged instrument- $250 bond, organized scheme to defraud- $250: $1,000 cash only bond, no contact with victim.
Logan Chandler: Murder- no bond.
Samantha Bramblett: Possession of methamphetamine- conditional release.
Joshua Clenny: Hold for another agency- Calhoun County: $859.32 purge.
Chad Brown: Battery- no bond, jail arraignment set for June 15.
Keenan Hill: Violation of state probation- no bond, arraigned today, request public defender.
Billy Harrison: Violation of state probation- no bond, resisting without violence- $10,000 bond, felony petit theft- $5,000 bond.
Kyle Bush: two counts of failure to appear- driving while license suspended or revoked: 90 days in the county with five days’ time served or $400 fine, may purge after serving 30 days, recommended to public works, state to no info.