Update provided to Marianna City Commission on Public Safety and Administration Building

    Photo by Donofro Architects

    At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting, the Board of City Commissioners were updated on the status of the renovation of the Peel Building. The City received FDLE grant funds and those along with the city insurance funds totally approximately $1 million.
    Architect Paul Donofro is proposing to move forward with a portion of the renovation to the Peel Building in order that the city can receive over $450,000 in insurance funds and over $500,000 in FDLE grant funds. This would be of considerable help in the overall cost of the renovation for a portion of the Peel Building that is estimated at $1,022,000.
    Donofro explained in detail the process of the initial stabilizing of the building. He provided a list of project work scope that has been added to the project along with those that have been eliminated. Donofro said that City Manager Jim Dean and City Attorney Matt Fuqua have approved what he is proposing with a couple of edits.
    Commissioner John Roberts asked Donofro if the commission approved what he was requesting, what would the city end up with when they wrote the check for $1,022,000. Donofro said they would end up with the shell of the Peel Building, the entire south, north and east walls will come through rehab just like they were in the original drawing. They will have new windows, new doors, and they will be making changes to windows and doors on the north and south sides. The west wall will have to be reconstructed in its entirety. The existing concrete floor slab will stay. The two sets of stairs that are needed for egress to the second floor will be constructed as part of this project. The elevator hoist way will be constructed as part of this project. The second-floor construction will be totally demolished and rebuilt. It will be raised six inches and the roof will be totally reconstructed, it will have a new roof on it and the entrance in the front will be new.
    Commissioner Roberts moved to approve the contract as presented with a second by Travis Ephriam. Motion passed unanimously.


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