Burglaries of cell phone stores under investigation


On the morning of January 7, 2021 at approximately 7:21a.m., the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office received a call in reference to a burglary at the Verizon Store, located at 2242 Highway 71 in Marianna. Upon arrival, deputies and investigators learned that unknown suspect(s) forced entry into the store, and used some type of cutting tool to make entry into the store safe. The suspect(s) stole an undetermined number of cellular devices before fleeing the scene.

While on scene of the Verizon store burglary, the Sheriff’s Office received a call in reference to a burglary of the AT&T store located across Highway 71 from the Verizon store at 4884 Malloy Plaza. Investigators also responded to this location and learned that unknown suspect(s) also forced entry into this store. The suspect(s), just as in the Verizon store burglary, used some type of cutting tool to make entry into the store safe. The suspect(s) stole an undetermined amount of cash before fleeing the scene.

Investigators are actively working both of these cases. If anyone has any information about either of these incidents, they are urged to call the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 482-9624 or Chipola Crime Stoppers at (850) 526-5000.


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