Police Cares entertains and recognizes Citizens

    Mark Skinner | TIMES

    B. L. Palmer was the police chief of Marianna with Alex Sims as his chief dispatcher. The two of them realized a need for senior citizens that was not being addressed. After input from various organizations, Police Cares was formed. Each morning, citizens who live alone or have medical issues call in to the police department. If the department has not heard from them by their appointment times, an officer will put a call in to them. If there is no answer, officers are dispatched to their address to check on them. Chief Hayes Baggett was impressed enough with the program, that he continues it today. He has taken Police Cares a step further. Each year, these citizens are treated to a luncheon complete with being chauffeured to the event.
    For years, the place to be for the luncheon was Madison’s Restaurant but in 2018 Hurricane Michael closed out that chapter of the Police Cares luncheon. It took Chief Baggett little time to arrange for another venue and Wednesday The Historic First National Bank Building was full of these fine citizens of Marianna. Officers, dignitaries, and others were present to meet, greet, and visit with them.
    Chief Baggett said of today’s event, “I’m just thankful for the opportunity to be able to honor these citizens of our city. The Police Cares Program is like a big family and the Marianna Police Department Communication officers are the backbone of this program. They speak with these citizens every day and it’s just a blessing to be able to serve.”
    Congratulations to Chief Hayes Baggett and his department for a job well done.


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