First appearances for Jackson County 01/14/21


Derrick Harrell: Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon- $5,000 bond, aggravated battery on a person 65 or older- no probable cause, battery on a person 65 or older- $5,000 bond, grand theft-$5,000 bond, dealing in stolen property- $15,000 bond, fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer- $1,000 bond, driving while license is suspended or revoked- $500 bond-does not have to post, resisting arrest without violence- $1,000 bond: Total bond- $30,000 in addition to previous bonds, no contact with victim.

Carol Berkshire: Violation of state probation: $200 cash only bond, request public defender.

Paul Kendricks: Hold for Duval County: $75,003 bond.

Caylum Walker: Violation of injunction: Nine months in the county jail with 27 days’ time served and a $370 fine, recommended to public works.


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