Dustin Brady: Battery domestic/dating violence, possession of drug paraphernalia, knowingly driving while license suspended or revoked: $20,000 bond, no contact with alleged victim, 10-day violation of state probation hold.
Latonda Jennings: Public assistance fraud, grand theft: $500 cash bond.
Jeremy Malone: Forgery, grand theft: $1,000 cash bond.
Lee Jackson: Abuse of a disabled adult- $2,500 bond, no contact orders.
Joseph Jackson: Fugitive from justice- waived extradition.
Nakisa Cromer: Violation of state probation- no bond, arraigned.
Harry Bellamy: Violation of state probation, driving while license is suspended or revoked: Sentenced to 30 days in jail and a $400 fine.
Tanika Smith: Neglect of a child without injury- $2,500 bond.
Juan Pinto-Miranda: Driving with a license that has been expired for more than six months: Sentenced to 10 days in jail or a $400 fine.
Mitchell Reed: No drivers license, leaving scene: Sentence to 60 days in jail and a $408 fine.
Verralyn Hatch: Plead.
Steven Lanik: Disorderly intoxication- Sentenced to 60 days in jail with 28 days credit.
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