Kristina Jones: Violation of state probation- no bond, sentenced to 30 days- July 3 is tentative release date.
Reginald Williams Jr.: Two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill: Total bond- $10,000, no contact with victims.
Thomas Bryant III: Hold for Leon County- no bond.
William Nichols: Child support- $3,500 purge, hold for Leon County- no bond.
John Green: Driving while license suspended or revoked- $1,000 bond, do not operate a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license, hold for ten days for Calhoun County to file violation of probation, bring back June 17.
Timothy Conroy: Violation of injunction against domestic violence- $2,500 bond, no contact with victim, cannot be within 500 feet of residence, bring back June 17.