Tsara Peace: Driving while license permanently revoked, violation of state probation: Sentenced to 30 days in jail for no valid drivers license with two days’ time served.
Jeremiah Parris Jr.: Affray- $5,000 bond, no contact order.
FuQwon Griffin: Affray- $2,500 bond, no contact order.
Sandy Branch: Battery- conditional release.
Timothy Paramore: Resisting officer without violence, possession of controlled substance under 20 grams: Conditional release.
Braedan Barnes: Driving while license suspended or revoked knowingly- Conditional release.
Ollie Anderson: Driving while license suspended or revoked-habitual: Conditional release.
Ernest Dixon: Trespassing- occupied structure or conveyance, resisting an officer without violence: Sentenced to 11 months and 29 in jail with four days’ time served.
Logan Gruver: Driving while license suspended or revoked- sentenced to 30 days in jail with four days’ time served.
Markkus Brinson: Driving while license suspended or revoked knowingly- sentenced to 60 days in jail with four days’ time served and a $400 fine.
Juquon Douglas: Murder with firearm, robbery with firearm: No bond.
Justin Sanabria: Trafficking in xanax- $5,000 bond, unlawful possession of a listed chemical- $5,000 bond, possession of Alpha PiHP- $5,000 bond, possession/use/manufacture/deliver/advertise drug- $5,000 bond, possession or use of weapons- no probable cause, two counts of possession of firearm/concealed weapon by a convicted felon- $5,000 bond- one count per the judge, two counts of possession of ammunition/concealed weapon by a convicted felon- $5,000 bond- one count per the judge.
This post brought to you by H&H Enterprises.