- Wanda Mercer: violation of state probation – arraigned today wants public defendant, bring back 8/13/19, add her to Aug. 20 docket
- Dominic Garcia: failure to appear driving while license suspended/revoked – no bond, set for 8/27/19 jail arraignment
- Brian Winters: driving while license suspended or revoked knowingly – 11 month/29 days probation, $400
- Melenie Pollock: trespass occupied structure or conveyance – out on bond, bond is revoked, no bond; $5,000 bond
- Lacher Lindsey: giving false name to law enforcement officer – 11 month/29 days probation concurrent; resisting officer without violence – 11 month/29 days probation, $370
- Bryan Thomason: driving while license suspended or revoked habitual – $2,500 conditional release
- James McClain: possession of drug paraphernalia – 30 days county jail, $385; breach of peace – 30 days county jail concurrent, count time served 1 day; fugitive from justice Decatur, Georgia
- Sandra Lipford: introduction of contraband state correctional institution – $2,500 or $250 cash only bond; interference with prisoners – $2,500 or $250 cash only bond
- Nicholas Bellamy: failure to appear trespass occupied structure or conveyance – 90 days county jail, $370, county time served 13 days